Frequently Asked Questions for our McKnight U7 Timbits Program!!!
The U7 Timbits Program is a partnership between Tim Hortons, Hockey Canada, Hockey Alberta, and Hockey Calgary that focuses on skill development and the FUNdamentals of hockey for children aged 5 and 6.
This grassroots hockey program is the first step in a player’s hockey career with an emphasis on the FUNdamentals of the game stressing the importance of fun! The Timbits Program provides an opportunity for players to meet new friends while gaining a firsthand experience in the game of hockey. Timbits Operations Manual
No! There is no requirements for skating abilty prior to registering. Just a desire to play!
However, if your child would like some ice time before starting with McKnight, Hockey Calgary offers a U7 Timbits Learn to Play Hockey Program. This program provides parents and first time U7 Timbit players an opportunity to experience U7 Timbits Hockey in a fun and educational environment. Players will participate in four (4) ice sessions conducted by instructors from Hockey Calgary with the assistance of volunteers designed around the FUNdamentals of hockey. Registration for this program is through Hockey Calgary not McKnight and open summer of 2022. More details on the Hockey Calgary website.
To participate in U7 Timbits program for the season, your player muct be at least 5 years old by December 31 of this year, but no older than 6 years old on December 31st.
No exceptions, this is governed by Hockey Calgary.
The season is expected to start about the middle of September and will run until the end of March.
McKnight has 3 home rinks: Mount Pleasant Sportsplex, Thorncliffe-Greenview Community Centre and Huntington Hills Community Centre.
The schedule for the upcoming season is normally set mid to end of September and averages two ice times per week. We do our best to have a some-what consitant schedule for our U7 Timbit familes.
Please refer to our McKnight Registration tab for complete information regarding our registration process. Should you have any questions specific to registration, please contact our Registrar at
Please check the McKnight Parents tab for equipment information.
- No need to buy new equipment. Check local buy & sells, friends, familes and neighbours.
- A lot of players prefer a base layer or layer in betwen their skin and equipment. This could be as simple as a thin pair of pyjamas.
- One jersey and a pair of hockey socks is helpful to have for their first sorting skates,
U7 Timbits Jerseys and socks will be provided for the players to wear at all practices and games once teams have been formed. .