Payment Information

Walk in Payment Day


Thursday August 24, 2023


Don Hartman Northeast Sportsplex

At this time, you may come in and speak to our Registrar and pay by cash, cheque or money order. You MUST have already registered online PRIOR to attening this payment session.


Members may choose to:

  1. Pay in full by Credit Card (Visa Debit and MasterCard debit are now accepted online)
  2. Pay in installment by Credit Card
    • Installments will automatically calculate based on the date of registration.
  3. Pay Offline by e-Transfer, Cash, Cheque, or Money Order

McKnight Hockey Association will not provide players or their families with their team assignments until half of their registration fees are paid. On October 31st of each season, should a player’s registration fees not be paid in full, that player will be suspended from their team as per McKnight Hockey Association By-Laws set out in provision 5. All inquiries should be directed to the Registrar for special consideration. 

A player’s registration will not be accepted until any amounts owing from a prior season have been paid in full. At the discretion of the registrar, if prior year payments were paid late, a player’s registration may not be accepted until amounts owing for the current year are paid in full, or satisfactory payment terms are in place. 


Credit Card payments accepted online: pay in full or pay by installment payments

E-Transfer - McKnight Hockey is now accepting e-Transfers for full registration fees. Information on how to send money will be provided during the checkout process of your registration. 

Cheque - If you wish to pay by  cheque installments please start your payments upon completion of your registration and mail your post-dated cheques to:

RPO Box 64261

5628 4th Street NW

Calgary AB

T2K 6J0

Please make sure that your child’s name is on the memo line.

Or cheque payments are accepted at the Walk-In event.

Cash or Money Orders - If you are paying in full by cash or money order you must attend the Walk-In Payment Event (tentatively booked) on Thursday, August 25th, 2022 at Thorncliffe Community Association.  If you are unable to attend the Walk-In Payment Event then please contact the McKnight Registrar to make other arrangements, at Members are encouraged to pay online via e-Transfer or credit card!

Please refer to our Home page for updates.


Money orders and cheques are payable to “McKnight Hockey Association”.


Do not send cash or money orders in the mail.  McKnight is not responsible for items lost in the mail.


McKnight Hockey Association

Our Mission is to provide our players with an affordable, fair and competitive hockey experience that focuses on the development of individual and team hockey skills, the practice of good sportsmanship and fair play and the opportunity to be challenged while having fun. At McKnight Hockey, our goal is to involve your child in a program that fosters teamwork, skill development and enjoyment of the game.

Contact Info

RPO Box 64261
5628 - 4th Street NW
Calgary,  AB  T2K 6J0