Under no circumstances are teams allowed to use affiliates if they are not on your official team roster approved by Hockey Calgary.
Each team will be provided an offical team roster including approved affiliates by the McKnight Registrar.

For full list of rules and instructions regarding affiliate teams/players, please refer to the Hockey Calgary Regulations Handbook.


Procedure for use of Affiliated Players
Games are defined for the use of affiliates as Hockey Calgary scheduled league games, the first game of Minor Hockey Week (the second and subsequent games during Minor Hockey week do not count in the total for use of affiliates), playoff games, and Provincial Playoff games. All associations will follow the Hockey Calgary regulation for Affiliations (Regulations Handbook:
Regulations Governing Community Hockey - Section (11)).

Note that Hockey Calgary has already approved affiliate players that are listed on your official roster.
Below is the process to use one of these approved players.

1. Check your roster to see who your affiliates are. You may only use affiliates listed on your official roster.

2. Coaches of both teams are the only people initially involved in choosing an affiliate. Managers, players and parents are not involved in the initial selection. Coaches will reach
out to managers, players and parents once the affiliate has been selected.

3. When using an affiliate player, the higher team must obtain the permission of the lower team and notify their League Chair.

Failure to follow the Procedure for use of Affiliated Players may result in the loss of 2 game points and the Head Coach of the higher team receiving a one game suspension.

4. When notifying the League Chair by email, please follow these guidelines as good
- copy both Head Coaches (higher and lower team)
- copy the parents of the affiliated player to show they have approved this affiliation
- attach your official roster to the email (roster can be found by logging into Hockey Calgary website)
- include the Hockey Calgary Game # (found on the Hockey Calgary website)
5. Once you have emailed your League Chair and you are sure you have an eligible affiliate (that is: on your official roster, has not exceeded their maximum number of affiliated
games, and is not under a suspension) you may play that player. Page 24 also explains ineligible players.

6. The affiliated player must be listed on your game sheet and must indicate in writing (a\p or AP) after the player’s name

These procedures must be used for each and every affiliate call-up. No exceptions. I